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[AUDITORY] Call for Applications for 2020 Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop: Deadline Mar 29, 2020

I want to invite the denizens (and your students) of the Auditory list to consider attending the Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop.  Applications are now being accepted.

The auditory group, in particular, has been quite successful over the years. Many journal papers have been piloted in Telluride, including the first work on decoding auditory attention via EEG. 

This is a working workshop. We design experiments, collect pilot data, discuss the results, and iterate.  All in the course of the 3 weeks. With attendees from more than a dozen institutions, we encourage collaboration.

Typically our group averages about 10 participants, working with about 10 faculty over a three week period. At the end of the workshop we present our work, and there are usually about 20 “successful” scientific pilots.

This year’s auditory efforts will be at the intersection of speech, music, motor and learning, usually accompanied by either psychoacoustic or EEG experiments.  Last year we did some eye tracking experiments (in Telluride) and fMRI with data collected elsewhere.

Professors, we promise to take good care of your students, and send them home with a lot of new knowledge.

PhD students and PostDocs are invited to apply.  Overall details are below, but you can go right to the good auditory stuff here:

I hope to see you in Telluride.

- Malcolm

Begin forwarded message:

From: Shih-Chii Liu <shih@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [neuromorph-all19] Call for Applications for 2020 Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop: Deadline Mar 29, 2020
Date: January 31, 2020 at 7:26:22 AM PST

We are accepting applications to the 2020 Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop. The Workshop has been running for over 20 years, and has been influential in shaping the field of neuromorphic engineering and serving as a forum connecting across disciplines such as artificial intelligence, neuroscience, cognitive science, machine learning, robotics, computer vision, signal processing, and electrical engineering.

The four topic areas for this year's workshop are:
  1. Auditory learning in brains and machines.
  1. Learning to control
  1. Better together: Enhancing deep learning with neuromorphic innovations.
  1. Cognitive models for real-time systems.

Details of this year’s workshop can be found at here.
Instructions for applications are here.
Important Dates:
  • Application Website Open - 28th Jan, 2020
  • Application Website Close - 29th March, 2020
  • Notification of Acceptance - 15th April, 2020

Shih-Chii Liu on behalf of the