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[AUDITORY] [Univ. Minho Portugal] Hiring of 1 doctorate under the legal regime of scientific employment - Acoustics, electronics or Computer Science

Dear colleagues,


As part of a research project “Acoustic prototyping of medical environments for the design of new auditory warning signs”, Ref. PTDC / PSI-GER / 31943/2017, the University of Minho is hiring a doctorate in Acoustic Engineering, Informatics, Electronics, Computer Sciences (hiring a doctorate under the legal regime of scientific employment).

I appreciate your help in spreading this position to anyone who might be interested. The tender is open until February 13th.


The tender is attached (or here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m1AfWJhB-ZAWN-XTlvvL8Vfkni2_JoSx), but the main information is:


Applicable Legislation: This tender shall be governed by the Decree No. 57/2016, of 29th of August, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of 19 July, which approved a regime of hiring of doctorates to stimulate scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC), by Labour Code, approved Law no. 7/2009, of February 12, under its current version and other applicable laws and regulations.


Modality: Develop scientific and technological research related to Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, aiming the redesign of auditory alarm signals in medical equipment. The activities involve contacts, visits, and collections in the hospital environment, collaboration in laboratory tests with users and support to the development of an acoustic prototyping platform. They also include:

- Publication of original contributions in academic journals and conferences;

- The orientation of masters and doctoral students and research fellows;

- Public dissemination of the project and its results.


Place of Work: The work placement is located in Centre for computer Graphics in Campus of Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal.


Monthly salary: The remuneration to be attributed corresponds to the remuneration level 33 of the TRU, of 2.128,34 Euros, according with the Regulatory Decree No.11-A/2017, of December 29.


Eligibility Criteria: a) No minimum or maximum graduation conclusion limit; b) Proven experience in the scientific area of the contest; c) Other requirements considered by the jury as relevants within this international selection tender.


Attachment: CTTI-154-19-CALG_-English.pdf
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Attachment: CTTI-154-19-CALG_-Portugues.pdf
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