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[AUDITORY] Post-doc position investigating AV integration in auditory cortex

Dear list,

I'm currently seeking a post-doc to join my lab at the UCL Ear Institute. The project will perform neural recordings and optogenetics in ferrets that are discriminating audiovisual stimuli. The goal is to understand how vision can impact auditory scene analysis in auditory cortex.


The full details are here:



I'm also looking for a research assistant to perform computational analysis on a previously collected dataset from the auditory cortex of behaving ferrets – but this position is only eligible to UK / EU citizens or those with an existing right to work in the UK:



Please feel free to get in touch with me directly to discuss either position, or to forward this message on to anyone that might be interested!


Best wishes,



[ with apologies for cross-posting! ]

Jennifer Bizley, D.Phil	                       j.bizley@xxxxxxxxx
Professor of Auditory Neuroscience.                www.dBSPL.co.uk

UCL Ear Institute
332 Gray’s Inn Road		                     0207 679 8934
London, WC1X 8EE                                      07779 148804