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[AUDITORY] Musical sonification and online evaluation


Last autumn I designed, or composed, a sonification of my running data for the year 2018. Now I have updated the sonification with the complete year, and I have been pondering on how to evaluate this type of sonification.The aim is to explore if this style of musical sonification can be used to convey a feeling as well as tell something about the data.

As a starting point I have made a simple web site with the sonification and two scales, these are the BUZZ (the Auditory Interface UX Scale by Tomlinson, Noah, and Walker in 2018) and a scale of affect (by Feldman Barrett and Russel in 1998). This should give me at least a superficial understanding of how the sonification is experienced. I think it will also be interesting to see how far it is possible to evaluate a sonification in this way (using a web site and two scales), for future and more thorough evaluations.

I would appreciate if you would help me in visiting the following site, listen to the sonification and answer the two scales. This should not take you more than 15 minutes to do.

Thank you for your support, and any thought you would like to share you are most welcome to contact me!

And I apologise for cross-posting this email for some of you.

With best regards,

Niklas Rönnberg, PhD
Senior lecturer in Sound technology
Manager for the Information Visualization unit

Linköping University
Media and Information Technology
Department of Science and Technology
SE-601 74 Norrköping
Phone: +46 (0)11 36 30 73
Mobile: +46 (0)11 36 30 73
Visiting address: Norra Grytsgatan 10A, Campus Norrköping
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