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[AUDITORY] Positions at Fraunhofer IDMT, Oldenburg, in the area of automatic speech recognition

Dear list members,

apologies for cross-posting but I would like to announce that we have
three positions in the area of automatic speech recognition open (more
information can be found at the links below):

- Research associate in the area of automatic speech recognition
- Back-end-developer / programmer in the area of automatic speech

- Developer / data scientist in the area of automatic speech recognition

Best wishes,

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Goetze
Head of Automatic Speech Recognition

Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT
Branch Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology HSA
Marie-Curie-Strasse 2
26129 Oldenburg, Germany

Phone +49 441 2172-432
Fax +49 3677 2172-450
Mobile +49 170 9197988

mailto: stefan.goetze@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx