Research Fellow: Speech Processing Challenges for Hearing Devices
The Acoustics Research Centre at the University of Salford is looking to employ a postdoctoral research fellow to work on an EPSRC funded programme grant “Challenges to Revolutionise
Hearing Device Processing”.
One in six people in the UK have a hearing impairment, and this number is certain to increase as the population ages. You will support a series of signal processing competitions,
which will deal with increasingly difficult scenarios of hearing speech in noise. Using such competitions is a proven technique for accelerating research, especially in the fields of speech technology and machine learning. The project involves collaboration
with Sheffield, Nottingham, Cardiff and Salford Universities. Regular working at Sheffield University will be part of the job.
You will actively undertaking research tasks to deliver the objectives of the EPSRC contract. These include: (1) Leading the development of the coding infrastructure for the machine
learning challenges. (2) Implementing baseline models for speech perception and processing. (3) Developing the web portal for entrants, publicise the challenges and support entrants. (4) Analyse the outcomes from the challenges and disseminate findings through
academic publications.
We expect candidates to have a Ph.D. in a relevant field, knowledge of signal processing and appropriate progamming skills.
For informal enquiries please contact Professor Trevor Cox, t.j.cox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
All appointments will be made on merit, and as an equal opportunities employer, we welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons.
In recognition of our commitment to create a diverse team that draws from our widest talent pool we would particularly encourage applications from groups who are currently under-represented
at this level, which in this case is our female applicants.
Please note this vacancy closes at 23:59 on 19/08/2019
More details and application procedure: Trevor Prof @trevor_cox Acoustical Engineering, University of Salford +44 161 295 5474; +44 7986 557419 "Now You're Talking: Human Conversation from the Neanderthals to Artificial Intelligence" Bodley Head, UK,
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