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[AUDITORY] Canadian Audiology Abstract Deadline Approaching (July 15th)

2019 CAA Conference and Exhibition 

Marriott Harbourfront, Halifax, N.S. 

Sun Oct 27 - Wed Oct 30, 2019



1.      Description

The Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA) invites all clinicians, students, researchers, educators, policy makers and other professional or health care providers working with hearing or balance to submit original research for presentation (by poster and/or at the podium) at the annual CAA conference. Submissions will be reviewed for acceptance by the CAA Science and Education Committee (SaEC). Posters may be eligible for entry into the Outstanding Student Research Award held during the conference. A few abstracts will be selected for a short presentation of poster highlights in the Poster Blitz Session. Please read the following guidelines carefully.

2.     General Requirements

Abstract and presentation content must be original scientific research, evidence-based practice, or applications of theory to clinical practice

Abstracts may be submitted in either English or in French, but the podium presentations and posters must be presented in English

Applicants must submit an abstract and application online (https://submissions.candianaudiology.ca) by the deadline date (Monday July 15th, 2019).

Applicants and presenters must disclose all funding sources and possible real or perceived conflicts of interest

Poster presenters must be in attendance during the two scheduled 1.0 hour poster presentation sessions for questions. (4:15-5:30 pm Monday October 28; 10-11 am Tuesday October 29, 2019). Check the final program released on the website in case of any changes).

Posters must be displayed by the morning of Monday October 28th to evening of Tuesday October 29th.

Please note, you must confirm your participation by registering for the conference AND paying registration fees in FULL. In order to be included in the online conference program, formal acceptance and conference registration must be received by August 30th, 2019. If formal acceptance and conference registration are not received by August 30th, presenters will still be permitted to present their work, but may not be included in the online program.


  1. Outstanding Student Research Award


Presenter must have completed the presented work while enrolled as a student (undergraduate, graduate or doctoral)

Work must be presented in a poster format (podiums presentations are not eligible)

Presenter must be listed as the first author

Presenter must disclose all funding sources and potential real or perceived conflicts of interest

Presenter must be in attendance during the scheduled poster sessions for judging and questions

Presenter does not need to be in attendance for the award announcement during the conference

Award Announcement

The Outstanding Student Research Award recipient will be announced at the annual CAA conference

A certificate will be presented during the conference (time to be determined when official conference schedule is published).

The certificate will also include a receipt/coupon for free registration for applicant/presenter at a future CAA conference of his/her choosing within five years of the award.

If the award recipient was not in attendance during the official announcement at the conference, they will be notified by e-mail approximately one month following the CAA conference by a member of the CAA SaEC.

The award recipient will be announced on the CAA newsletter, website, blog, and in the Canadian Audiologist magazine. 

  1. Specifications

Podium Presentations

Format: Oral

Presenter(s) will have access to PowerPoint program and projector

More than one author can present at the podium

The podium session will be followed by a presenter panel session for questions by attendees

Presenters must disclose all possible, real or perceived conflicts of interest

Podium presentations will be held on Tuesday October 29 from 2-3 pm. Check the final schedule that will be posted online in case of any changes.

Poster Presentations


Single piece of paper. Poster boards are 4 feet x 8 feet. The abstract acceptance email will specify whether your poster dimensions will be 4 x 4 feet (two posters per board) or 4 x 8 feet (one poster per board).


Include the title, author(s) and institution affiliations

Include sub-headings where appropriate (e.g., Objective, Background/Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, etc.)

Include all possible real or perceived conflicts of interest

The presentation must be simple and clear using adequately sized font and good quality images - the poster should be self-explanatory. Presenters will be able to provide additional information and answer questions during the scheduled session


Presenters must be in attendance during the two scheduled poster sessions 4:15-5:30 pm Monday October 28; 10-11 am Tuesday October 29, 2019.

Posters should be hung by the 9 am on Monday, October 28 and kept available until 5 pm on Tuesday, October 29, 2019.

Supplies (tape, tacks, poster boards, etc.) will be provided.


Posters should be removed at 5pm on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 

Posters not removed will be discarded.

Please note, we cannot guarantee the safety of your poster at any time during the conference.

Poster Blitz Presentations 

Format: Oral

Presenter will have access to PowerPoint program and projector

Only one presenter is allowed

Presenters will have 2 minutes to provide highlights of the poster (maximum 2-3 slides). There will be no time for questions; attendees are encouraged to attend the poster presentation for further information and for questions

Presenters must be in attendance during the scheduled poster blitz and poster presentation sessions.

Presenters must send their final slides to science@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no later than 5pm on October 18th (one week prior to the conference) so that all poster blitz presentations may be merged to ease transitions between presenters.

The poster blitz will be held at the end of the plenary talk, from 9:45-10 am on Tuesday October 29, 2019. Presenters are required to meet at 8:30 am (15 minutes prior to the plenary talk) for instructions and to be assigned designated seating to ensure strict timing of the blitz session.


Abstracts will be submitted using an online application available through a link from the conference website or directly at the following website: https://submissions.canadianaudiology.ca