The Auditory & Speech Sciences Laboratory (ASSL) has an exciting employment opportunity for a post-doctoral fellow or research scientist. The laboratory is part
of USF’s Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders and is affiliated with the Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, Department of Medical Engineering, and the Global Center for Hearing & Speech Research. The ASSL
focuses on basic and applied research to solve communication problems through the combination of behavioral sciences, electrophysiology, and assistive technology. Current projects are funded
by NIH NIA, NIH NIDCD, DOD, and Industry partners. We are searching for individuals who are passionate about auditory research to collaborate with our investigators (Drs. David Eddins, Ann Eddins, and Erol Ozmeral) and team of scientists, post-docs, and students.
Successful candidates will contribute to research projects that focus on:
Central auditory plasticity and tinnitus, hyperacusis, and aging
Development and evaluation of hearing aid signal processing strategies
Development, validation, and interpretation of clinically viable tools for automated assessment of central auditory dysfunction
Development and evaluation of automated fitting methods, spatial hearing systems, and use of advanced sensors for hearing enhancement devices
Development and evaluation of mobile applications focused on cognitive and behavioral assessment including ecological momentary assessment The ideal candidates will have a Ph.D. in hearing science or related discipline and a strong set of skills in several of the following areas:
Experience conducting auditory perceptual, electrophysiological, or hearing instrument research
Knowledge of quantitative methods including data analysis, signal processing, modeling, machine learning
Software development/coding in MATLAB, PYTHON, or skills in mobile app development
Knowledge of hearing aid signal processing
Expertise in speech perception in normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners
Experience in auditory electrophysiology including ABR, auditory cortical evoked potentials, or EEG
Experience with hearing instrument fitting and verification
Skills in the use of laboratory instrumentation
Strong written and verbal communication skills and desire to work with various patient populations including older adults and persons with history of traumatic brain injury
Strong organizational skills and ability to organize and manage data Applicants should have enthusiasm for research, a mind for innovation and creativity, a desire to work in a thriving team atmosphere, and capacity for acquiring
expertise in new research techniques. Candidates will have the opportunity to work in a vibrant, multi-disciplinary environment that includes experts in audiology, hearing science, neuroscience, electrical and
biomedical engineering, and speech/voice science. Professional development opportunities include formal mentorship and mentoring opportunities, presentations at national and international conferences, formal and informal educational opportunities, and interaction
with members of several sister laboratories. Compensation is commensurate with experience and opportunities for advancement in ranked professional tracks are available. Expected start date, Summer or Fall 2019 with 2 to 3 years of funding available.
USF, with over 41,000 students, is one of the fastest growing research institutions in the U.S., and the Greater Tampa Bay region is perennially ranked among the best places in the U.S. to work and play. Please contact Dr. David A. Eddins (deddins@xxxxxxx)
or Dr. Ann Clock Eddins (aeddins@xxxxxxx) or visit for more information. |
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