Dear list, I am very please to advertise the auditory community that we have made available on github a real-time hearing-loss simulator. All the sources are open with a MIT license that permits reuse for any purpose and even within proprietary software. This simulator is written in python and is based on an inverse compressive gammachirp auditory filter. This work has been presented at the last ISH meeting in Copenhagen and the main associated publication is : This open source hearing-loss simulator also enables to predict SRT in noise and can be used as a pedagogical tool, a research tool or a sound design tool: If you are interested in using this simulator, the full
documentation is here: And all the sources can be downloaded here: Best, Nicolas Grimault
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicolas Grimault, PhD Cognition Auditive et Psychoacoustique UMR CNRS 5292 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - Bâtiment 462 - Neurocampus 95 boulevard Pinel 69675 Bron Cedex France Vocal: 33 (0)4 81 10 65 73 Email: nicolas.grimault@xxxxxxx ___.-----.______ ___.-----'::::::::::::::::`---.___ _.--._ (:::;,-----'~~~~~`----::::::::::.. `-. _ .'_---. `--.__ `~~' `~`--.:::::`.. `.. ; `-.____.-' ' {0} ` `--._`---.____ `:::::::: : :: :_^ ~ `--.___ `----.__`----.____ ~::::::.`;': :`--.__,-----.___( `---.___ `---.___ `----.___ ~|;:,' : | `-.___,---.____ _, ._ `----.____ `----.__ `-----.___;--' ; : `---' `. `._ `)) , , , `----.____.----.____ --' :| / `,--.\ `.` ` ` ` , , , _.-- `-----'|' _.~~~~~~._____ __./'_/' : .:----.___ ` ` ` `` .-' , , :::' ///--\; ____ : :' ____`---.___.--:: , ` ` ::' `' _.' ( /______ ( `-._ `-._,-' .-' __.-// /_______---' `-._ `. ~~~ ///// `' ~~~~~~ ~~ ______; ::. `'`' /_______ _.' , ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ /___.---' --__ ` ~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- |