Unfortunately, I don’t know of such a book. Here are my favorite current headphone references, however. Maybe this will help. They helped in my thinking about headphones.
Margolis, R. H., & Madsen, B. (2015). The acoustic test environment for hearing testing. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 26(9), 784-791.
I am looking for a handbook about headphones, describing all technical aspects for construction and digital audio processing. Do you have any suggestions?
Delphine Devallez.
Audio R&D engineer
Funky Sound Studio
--------------------------------------------- Frederick (Erick) Gallun, PhD Research Investigator, VA RR&D National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research Associate Professor, Oregon Health & Science University http://www.ncrar.research.va.gov/AboutUs/Staff/Gallun.asp