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Re: [AUDITORY] My book at half off

Hi Alcina

Just to chime in as got my hardcopy ordered. Here is the companion that should give you a rough idea :

Regarding Social and Cultural studies of making meaning to the ear, I would suggest browsing the Leonardo Music Journal 
(https://www.leonardo.info/leonardo-music-journal) , many excerpts of which are on JSTOR too. 
Also keywords are searchable on MIT Press on http://arteca.mit.edu/ to reveal book titles.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 2:43 AM Alcina Cortez <alcinamariacortez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Dick. I’m very interested in buying the book, but I can’t find a it’s table of contents. Does it address the social and cultural ways in which we extract meaning from sound as well?

Enviado do meu iPhone

No dia 12/03/2019, às 20:44, Richard F. Lyon <dicklyon@xxxxxxx> escreveu:

Amazon surprised me today, with 50% off on my book.

But they would only let me buy one copy.  Hopefully they're not out.


Sharath Chandra Ram

PhD Fellow @https://atec.utdallas.edu/

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