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[AUDITORY] ICAD 2019 - Student ThinkTank Call for Applications - Funding options available

ICAD 2019 — Call for Student ThinkTank Applications (Student Research Consortium)

25th International Conference on Auditory Display Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK June 23–27, 2019

Date: Sunday June 23rd, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Applications due: Friday March 29th, 2019 

The Student ThinkTank (Student Research Consortium) is a full day meeting for students doing Graduate or Undergraduate work on auditory display. It will be held on June 23rd. Selected students will give formal presentations and have the opportunity to discuss research ideas and problems with fellow researchers in the field. The program will also include career-related activities.

The ThinkTank is your chance to set a whole roomful of auditory researchers to work on your particular research issue, to help you choose which method, tool, technique, or principle to use to save you from heading down a dead end. Besides providing thoughtful insights into your particular project, the ThinkTank will foster friendships and networks among fellow students and researchers that are essential in an international community for auditory display. 

Financial assistance will be available for selected applicants from US Universities from ICAD and the NSF. Any registered ICAD participants can join as an observer free of charge. If you’d like to attend as an observer, please send an email to icad2019thinktank@xxxxxxxx

How to apply

To apply please submit the following 4 items:

1. Cover Letter

Your cover letter should include the following information:

  • Statement of interest in participating in the ThinkTank.

  • Full name of the School and Department in which you are studying.

  • Current stage in your academic program (e.g., completed MS, 2 years into PhD).

  • Name of the supervising professor.

  • Your full contact information: address, phone number, and email address. 

  • Title of the research and keywords pertinent to the research.

  • The URL of your web page (if any).

  1. 2. Two-page Research Interest Summary

    The body of the research summary should provide a clear overview of the research that you have already conducted; is in the process of completing; has planned, or ideas for research that you would like to pursue. The statement should discuss the relevance and potential impact of the research on the field and discuss its broader impact in the world. You are encouraged to include the following sections:

  • Introduction and problem description.

  • Brief background and overview of the existing literature.

  • Goal of the research.

  • Current status of the research.

  • Preliminary results accomplished, if any.

  • Broader Impact of this research.

  • Open issues, topics to be discussed at the ThinkTank, and expected outcomes from participating

    in the ThinkTank. For example, you might want to discuss choosing the right tools and techniques, to choosing research topics, to how to organize your thesis, to philosophical or aesthetic issues – anything where you could benefit from the perspectives and experience of other students and experts.

3. Letter of Recommendation

Enclose a letter of recommendation written by your Graduate Advisor/Thesis Advisor/Supervisor. Your advisor/supervisor is asked to verify that you are a graduate student, working in the area of sonification or auditory display. (In case of undergraduate student’s submission, please verify the enrolled student status and include information about the undergraduate research project.) Advisors are also encouraged to include an assessment of the current status of your research and an indication of the expected date of its completion. In addition, your advisor is encouraged to indicate what she/he hopes you would both gain and contribute by participating in the ThinkTank. 

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Please prepare a 1-page CV that relates your background, relevant experience, and research accomplishments.

Selection and Presentation:

Up to 15 proposals will be selected for formal presentation and “think-tanking”. The selected problems will be representative examples of a widespread problem or will be particularly interesting or challenging (as determined by the expert Panel). Each participant will prepare a 15-minute presentation for all ThinkTank attendees. The Panel will present a report on the ThinkTank in the ICAD 2019 conference program. 

All those who submit a problem may participate in the ThinkTank to watch the presentations and join in the discussions; however, only the selected submissions will be able to make a formal oral presentation. Even if your problem is not selected you will leave with a sense of what other students are doing and how they are approaching problems in auditory display, as well as new friends to talk about your project with during the rest of the ICAD 2019 conference and in the future. If your problem is selected you may also leave with the breakthrough you need!

ThinkTank Panel:

The ThinkTank Panel comprises several international researchers who work across a range of disciplines covered by auditory displays. The confirmed Panel members are:

  • Dr. Areti Andreopoulou (chair), University of Athens

  • Dr Bruce Walker, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Dr. Matti Gröhn, Stereoscape, Finland

  • Derek Brock, United Stated Naval Research Lab

  • Dr. Myounghoon Jeon, Virginia Tech

  • TBC

  • TBC

How to Submit: 

Please email your proposal by March 29th, 2019 to the ThinkTank chair at icad2019thinktank@xxxxxxxx If you have any questions, please feel free to email us. 



Areti Andreopoulou, PhD
Assistant Professor in Music Technology
Laboratory of Music Acoustics and Technology (LabMAT)
Department of Music Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens