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[AUDITORY] REMINDER: Post-doc position in hearing aid research (University of Southern Denmark)

Friendly reminder:

The application deadline for a post-doc position in hearing aid research at the University of Southern Denmark is in one week (Sunday, March 3rd). The position forms part of the Danish BEAR project, which involves several universities, university hospitals and industrial partners.

For further details, see <https://www.sdu.dk/da/service/ledige_stillinger/1027314?sc_lang=en> or get in touch with me.

Best, Tobias Neher

On 05-02-2019 09:54, Tobias Neher wrote:
Dear list,

As part of the Danish "Better Hearing Rehabilitation" project (http://bear-hearing.dk), we have an opening for a post-doc in hearing aid research.

The position is available for at least 2 yrs. It is suited for a person with a technical background coupled with a clear interest in clinical audiological work, or a person with a clinical audiological background coupled with a clear interest in technical work. Further details can be found here:


Please forward this announcement to potential candidates!

Many thanks,

Tobias Neher

Tobias Neher, PhD
Associate Professor in Audiology
Institute of Clinical Research
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark
Email: tneher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +45 6550 7659