This is an international list - so if you don't mind, it'd be helpful to
specify in your email which country the opportunity is in.
On 30/01/2019 18:51, Tarun Pruthi wrote:
> Hi All
> We have 2 fulltime Applied Scientist positions open in the Audio
> Technology group at Amazon Lab 126. Check out the links below:
> https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/591635/applied-scientist
> https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/744047/applied-scientist-audio
> In addition to the fulltime positions, we are also accepting
> applications for a Summer Intern.
> If you are interested, please apply against the job posting or feel free
> to reply to me directly at prutt@xxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:prutt@xxxxxxxxxx> with your resume.
> Tarun Pruthi
> Applied Scientist Manager, Audio
> Lab126, Amazon
Dan Stowell
Senior Researcher
Machine Listening Lab
Centre for Digital Music
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS