Dear list, we have several PhD positions open for students interested in conversations and dialog systems. Best regards, Aki _________________________________________________ Call for Applications 8 PhD Positions Marie Skłodowska-Curie – ITN, Industrial Doctorate program PHILHUMANS Project _________________________________________________ We are starting a new project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie – ITN,
Industrial Doctorate program. The project is titled PHILHUMANS: Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-MAchine Natural interactionS, and it has 8 PhD positions in the
areas of Computational Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing.
See the list of PhD positions below.
Highly competitive and attractive salary is offered (it meets the
EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie standards), plus mobility and family allowances as applicable. The ESR candidates should have a Master degree in Computer Science, Information Engineering or equivalent. Traveling will be part of the program,
substantial secondments to partner locations are planned. Candidates are required to meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher eligibility criteria. In particular, at the time of the appointment, candidates must have had less than four years full-time
equivalent research experience and must not have already obtained a PhD. Additionally, at the time of recruitment, the ESR must not have resided, or carried out his/her activity in the country of the hiring institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years
prior to recruitment date. The application procedure will be formally opened in the beginning of January. Main entry point to send applications is the PHILHUMANS website More information about the program, the open positions and hosting organizations is available on the website of the project: _______________________ AVAILABLE PhD POSITIONS _______________________ ESR1 - COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR BEHAVIOR UNDERSTANDING
Hosted by Philips - PhD awarded by University of Aberdeen, UK Details: ESR2 - A CONVERSATIONAL AGENT AS A DIGITAL COUNSELLOR FOR AUTOMATED THERAPY Hosted by Philips - PhD awarded by University of Cagliari, IT Details: ESR3 – DEEP PROGRAM INDUCTION FOR PERSONAL HEALTH SERVICES Hosted by TU/e and Philips - PhD awarded by University of TU/e, NL Details: ESR4 - NLP, SEMANTICS AND SENTIMENT ANALYSIS FROM TEXT Hosted by University of Cagliari and Philips - PhD awarded by University of Cagliari, IT Details: ESR5 - SCENE UNDERSTANDING AND INTERACTION ANTICIPATION FROM FIRST PERSON VISION Hosted by University of Catania and Philips - PhD awarded by University of Catania, IT Details: ESR6 - FACE ANALYSIS AND BODY LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING FROM EGOCENTRIC CAMERAS Hosted by University of Catania and Philips - PhD awarded by University of Catania, IT Details: ESR7 - NATURAL LANGUAGE GENERATION FOR PERSONALISED HEALTH COMMUNICATION Hosted by University of Aberdeen and Philips - PhD awarded by University
of Aberdeen, UK Details: ESR8 - BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND ROBOTICS Hosted by R2M Solutions - PhD awarded by University of Cagliari, IT Details: The information contained in this message may be confidential and legally protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this message is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by return e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. |