Dear all, I would like to announce a position for a: Research associate / PhD student / Postdoc for 3D-audio-reproduction and integrative multimodal interface solutions for augmented human–CPS interaction Topic: Design and development of 3D-audio and multimodal reproduction technologies Tasks: Your task will be the development and application of various 3D-audio reproduction and multimodal interface technologies. Different loudspeaker based reproduction approaches, e.g. ambisonics, wave field synthesis, surround, binaural, etc., will be studied. The tasks include the development of a loudspeaker array and its control for sound reproduction and projection. The audio system has to be integrated within a multimodal interface, which includes various haptic feedback systems and smart glasses. You will take part in the conception, integration and test of the system and publicise the scientific work in journals and on international conferences. The work will be done within the CeTI (excellence cluster: research room “Augmented perception and interaction”. There is the possibility to co ordinate the work within this research room and the research room “Sensors and Actuators” (TP2). Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with a very good to excellent university degree or doctorate in engineering sciences, physics or mathematics, scientific work on an acoustic topic; excellent knowledge and experience in the field of acoustics, experience with acoustic measurements and analysis. Knowledge of auditory perception, multimodal interaction and standard psychophysical techniques is an advantage. Team spirit and collaboration will be essential for the project. Please send you application to ercan.altinsoy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Best Regards from Germany Ercan Altinsoy ---------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ercan Altinsoy Insitutsdirektor und Lehrstuhlleiter Lehrstuhl für Akustik und Haptik Institut für Akustik und Sprachkommunikation Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Technische Universität Dresden Helmholtzstr. 18 01062 Dresden (Zimmer 54) Tel.: +49 (351) 463 342 53 Mobil: + 49 (172) 356 60 14 Fax: +49 (351) 463 370 91 E-Mail: Ercan.Altinsoy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Homepage: Leiter des DEGA-Fachausschusses Fahrzeugakustik: Dresden 5G Lab: -------------------------------------------------- |