SEMPRE Graduate Conference - Monday 25 March 2019 This one- day SEMPRE conference is for graduate students to present and discuss their own original research in music psychology, music education, and in the wider field of music and science. Graduate students from any institution are welcome to apply to participate The conference will take place at the Faculty of Music of the University of Cambridge (UK) on March 25, 2019
Professor Martin Rohrmeier, director of the Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, will be joining us as the keynote speaker. Registration cost for attendees and presenters is £25 and includes lunch, coffee, and refreshments. The deadline for registration for attendees and presenters is 18 March 2019, subject to places being available.
Graduate students interested in presenting in one of the three formats (5 min flash talk, 25 min long talk, or poster presentation) should submit a 300 word abstract, stating preferred presentation format. Proposals should be submitted in PDF format to Gabriele Cecchetti at gc573@xxxxxxxxx by 11 January 2019. Please use "SEMPRE Graduate Conference 2019, Abstract" as your subject line, and state your student status and your institution. If your abstract is accepted for inclusion, you may be eligible for a SEMPRE Conference Award to help cover travel and registration costs. More details available on the website at: -- Professor Ian Cross Chair, Faculty Board of Music Director, Centre for Music & Science Faculty of Music University of Cambridge Cambridge CB3 9DP |