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[AUDITORY] 11th Speech-in-Noise Workshop: 10-11 Jan. 2019 Ghent, BE

Dear List,


Save the date for the 11th Speech-in-Noise (SPiN) Workshop: Ghent, Belgium on 10-11 Jan. 2019


This interdisciplinary workshop brings together a variety of approaches to understanding and resolving issues in speech understanding. The scientific programme consists of invited talks and poster presentations. Topic areas will certainly include: effects of hearing impairment on SiN, model and machine-learning approaches to SiN, objective correlates of SiN, as well as development and language aspects in SiN. We are further shaping the program over the summer, but already point you to our website and the important dates.




20 September 2018: Submission opens.

29 October 2018: Submission deadline.

20 November 2018: Decision on submissions.

21 November 2018: Registration opens.

12 December 2018: Registration closes.

10-11 January 2019: SPIN workshop!


Further inquiries about this workshop can be addressed to: info@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hope to see you in Ghent next winter!


The organizing team:

Sarah Verhulst

Etienne Gaudrain



Sarah Verhulst

Associate Professor

T +32 9 33 14 844


Dept. Information Technology

Hearing Technology @ Waves


Technology Campus, iGent, Technologiepark 15, 9052 Zwijnaarde (BE)

T secretariaat +32 9 264 33 21 / F +32 9 264 35 93




