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[AUDITORY] Fwd: Last call for EU Mobilitas postdoc position at Enactive Virtuality research team, Tallinn

FYI - 

EU Mobilitas Pluss postdoc position at Enactive Virtuality research team, Tallinn University!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Pia Tikka <pia.tikka@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Last call for EU Mobilitas postdoc position at Enactive Virtuality research team, Tallinn
Date: 14 Jan 2018 08:00:49 EET
To: Tahiroglu Koray <koray.tahiroglu@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: Pia Tikka <pia.tikka@xxxxxxxxx>

Hi Koray,

Greetings from Tallinn University's Enactive Virtuality Lab. How are you?

I’m targeting this call for you and your network as we are looking for postdocs to apply, also to work on VR/ 360° storytelling sound. See the call below.


“Feel free to distribute"

The last moments to apply for EU Mobilitas Pluss postdoc position at Enactive Virtuality research team, Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School (BFM) Centre of Excellence in Media Innovation and Digital Culture (MEDIT), Tallinn University. 

The applicant’s degree cannot be older than 5 years. Importantly, note that also doctoral candidates are eligible for applying this post doc position if one will defend the thesis during this year, or before the set starting date. 

My project Enactive co-presence in narrative virtual reality - a triadic interaction model combines arts and sciences to explore how the viewer’s experience of co-presence can be controlled by modifying parametrically the behavior of screen character or its context.”

Keywords: VR/AR, 3D CG, adaptive virtual characters, AI, programming, machine learning, 360° sound, storytelling, biofeedback

The Tallin University’s internal deadline is tight, January 25th, however, the application will be guided and completed together with us to guarantee its success. 

For more information, contact already today piatikka@xxxxxx 



Dr Pia Tikka
Research Professor 
Enactive Virtuality Research Group
Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School (BFM
Centre of Excellence in Media Innovation and Digital Culture (MEDIT)
Tallinn University

Visit me at Nova room 322

Adjunct Professor 
Faculty of Arts and Design 
University of Lapland

Students and researchers, feel free to download my book "Enactive Cinema: Simulatorium Eisensteinense"