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[AUDITORY] Conference on Sound Perception 2018

Poznań, 11 January 2018

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


It will be our pleasure to inform you about the first international Conference on Sound Perception. The conference will be held in Poznań, Poland in 13 – 15 June 2018. It is organized by the Institute of Acoustics that belongs to the Faculty of Physics at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The congress website: http://csp-eng.amu.edu.pl.


The purpose of the conference is for acoustic researchers to meet and exchange their experience, especially with regard to the subjective evaluation of sounds. The leading topic of the conference will be sound perception, focusing on areas such as: psychoacoustics, diagnostics and hearing rehabilitation, environmental acoustics, and architectural acoustics. Specification of each session can be found below.


Psychoacoustics session takes into account following issues :functioning of the auditory system, experiments dealing with perception of pitch, loudness, temporal fine structure, speech intelligibility, temporal resolution of the auditory system, sound localization and modeling of the auditory system functioning. A special subsection devoted to musical acoustics is also planned.


Diagnostics and Hearing Rehabilitation (DaHR). The covers such fields as: subjective and objective methods of hearing diagnostics, fitting of hearing aids and cochlear implants, tinnitus diagnosis and rehabilitation and types of hearing protectors.


Environmental acoustics session covers research about the noise annoyance perception of different sound sources, experiments dealing with the annoyance penalty of noise (tonality, low frequency noise, amplitude modulation, impulsiveness), soundscape assessment, audio-visual interaction in environment as well as models of environmental perception and machine hearing. Both laboratory and field studies are invited.


Architectural acoustics session covers studies which have investigated: classroom acoustics, concert hall acoustics, speech perception in rooms, perception of sounds in urban areas, modeling as well as prediction of parameters. Both laboratory and field studies are invited.


We are sure that the CSP is a great opportunity to researchers to meet and exchange their experiences. All needed information, including fees and registration form, can be found at the conference website. We are waiting for you in Poznań!


If you have any questions please contact with conference secretary with mails: csp@xxxxxxxxxx or janaku@xxxxxxxxxx.