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[AUDITORY] PhD position at Bang & Olufsen, Denmark now open for applications

Hi All


The position described below is now open for applications. If you are interested then please submit your application at: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=1462&ProjectId=143745&uiculture=en&MediaId=5






Early Stage Researcher in audio-visual perception

The RealVision Innovative Training Network (ITN) will investigate the problem of capturing, processing and displaying hyper-realistic images with the aim of building the hyper-realistic visual imaging and display systems of the future. The ITN will host 15 Early Stage Researchers, each performing an individual research project around one of five themes that reflect the most challenging open problems in the area of hyper-realistic visual experience (i.e. acquisition/capture, processing, display, quality of experience and perceptual models) and accompanying audio rendering system. The research training will be organized and supervised by an international consortium of 11 leading institutions from academia and industry. More information about the EU project can be found here: http://www.realvision-itn.eu/ 


Description of the position 

This position is funded through the European Commission, MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN) programme and covers a 3-year research position in the frame of a 3-year doctoral program (resulting in a PhD degree awarded by Technical University of Denmark - DTU). The main part of the research work will be carried out at Bang & Olufsen (https://www.bang-olufsen.com), Struer (http://struer.dk/borger/personlige-forhold/welcome-to-struer), Denmark (Supervisors: Prof. Søren Bech and Dr. Samuel Moulin). As the part of the training, the PhD student is expected to spend 7 months in collaborating institutions: 4 months at the University of Cambridge (UK) and 3 months at the University of Nantes (France). Apart from the research work itself, the student’s participation in the project will involve tight collaboration with project partners, active participation at the annual network events, as well as training in complementary skills such as research management. 


Job Description: Impact of audio rendering systems on audio-visual experience of immersiveness for domestic applications. 

The objective of this research project is to determine the influence of various audio rendering systems (e.g. multichannel or 3D audio systems) on the overall audiovisual (AV) experience of immersiveness. This includes developing efficient methods to evaluate AV contents with high-resolution video and spatial audio and identifying relevant perceptual attributes. The successful candidate is also expected to implement the relevant audio rendering technologies and to set up the audio-visual reproduction environment. 



Qualifications and Skills: We are seeking a highly motivated and creative student to work on the EU-funded RealVision project. The candidate should hold a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering, Physics, or closely related disciplines, and have a solid background in Acoustics with specific experience and interest in Psychoacoustics, Statistics, and Human Perception. Good programming skills and excellent communication skills in English are also essential for this position. 

Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from candidates of any nationality in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research career, including any period of research training. Please be aware that the funding guidelines specify that candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Denmark for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date. 


Job Details 

Type of Contract: Temporary (36 months) 

Status: Full-time (37 hours/week) 


The yearly salary incl. mandatory contribution to pension agreement, holiday allowance etc. before tax will comprise a living allowance of €50,493.96 and a mobility allowance of €7,200.00. An additional allowance of €6,000.00 may be payable but is dependent on individual family circumstances.


Organization contact data 

Company: Bang & Olufsen a/s 

Department: Acoustic & Research 

City, Country: Struer, Denmark 

Contact: Prof. Søren Bech (sbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, +45 96844962) 


Application Details 

Envisaged Job Starting Date: 01/04/2018 

Application Deadline: 15/01/2018 


Applications have to be submitted by January 15th 2018. The following information has to be attached in a separate PDF file: 


§  - a Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications and/or projects  

§  - a personal statement (2 pages max.) about the applicant’s experience, interests and career goals 

§  - evidence (e.g. scan of the diploma) of holding a degree that qualifies for Ph.D. enrolment 

§  - an official transcript of grades obtained during B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies  

§  - evidence of competence in English if English is not your first language 


The RealVision ITN adheres to The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.




Best regards


Søren Bech | Director Research, Professor, PhD

Phone: +45 3093 0243 | Email: sbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




Bang & Olufsen a/s | Peter Bangs Vej 15 | DK-7600 Struer | Denmark

www.bang-olufsen.com | www.beoplay.com


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