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Re: [AUDITORY] Research Question
"The Hall of the Mountain King" by Grieg, whistled by the murderer in "M"
arun chandra
On 10/24/17 4:20 AM, ULStudent:RITA.MC CARTHY wrote:
Hi Guys,
I am in my final year in the University of Limerick, so this year I have
had to come up with a final year project, mine is, "Is it possible to
make synthetic sounds sound real and also, can they carry the same
affect of emotion to the listener as the real deal would?" This is all
in the horror genre. I have had to gather some horror sounds to work
with but I would also like other peoples opinion on what is considered a
scary sound to them. By the end of my fourth year I will hopefully have
an installation here at my university, where the listener sits in a dark
room, 3D sound, so speakers on high, mid and low level of the walls, and
a narrative sound design playing around them.
So my question is to you, what is a sound that you find chilling/scary?
I would appreciate any feedback you could give me.
Kind Regards,
Arun Chandra
COM 308A
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505
office: (360) 867-6077
email: arunc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx