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[AUDITORY] Speech Processing Expert at Eriksholm Research Centre
- To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [AUDITORY] Speech Processing Expert at Eriksholm Research Centre
- From: Lars Bramsløw <labw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 14:58:24 +0000
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- Thread-topic: Speech Processing Expert at Eriksholm Research Centre
Dear list,
Speech Processing Expert
The Eriksholm Research Centre, situated in Snekkersten, Denmark, is seeking to fill a 9-month vacant position in Advanced Algorithms. Eriksholm Research Centre is part of Oticon.
Learn more about Eriksholm Research Centre: www.eriksholm.com
This 9-month, full-time position (37 hours/week) and the salary will be according to qualifications and experience. You will be based at the Eriksholm Research Centre, Denmark, about 40 km north of Copenhagen. Here you will be part of the vibrant Eriksholm research team, driving innovative research for all divisions of William Demant.
About the position
We are seeking a researcher to develop and implement speech separation algorithms for hearing devices utilizing recent advances in open-source software and methodology. The new researcher should have strong experience within the fields of machine learning and speech processing combined with passion for applied research, good programming practice and innovation.
Eriksholm develops technologies to compensate for hearing problems to the best possible level, even under adverse and challenging listening conditions. Particularly the proverbial "Cocktail Party" challenge of competing voices, but also spatial hearing, speaker separation, signal classification and cloud-based learning of user preferences are in our focus. Advanced digital signal processing and novel technologies like deep neural network are tools for our research. Eriksholm utilizes new technology, access to next generation hearing device platforms, and tight connections to people who use hearing devices to quantify real and significant problems for people with hearing problems and subsequently develop the optimal compensation.
Eriksholm's audiological research is focusing on three Megatrend areas: Advanced Algorithms, Cognitive Hearing Science and eHealth. Eriksholm's research has a strong international track record in applied science. We closely collaborate with leading universities around the world for finding the best solutions for the hearing healthcare of the future. Our efforts aim at implementing clinical audiology solutions supported by electronic processes and communication. We focus on the needs of people with hearing impairment and their clinicians. Our research does not only generate publications and patents, but also transforms the clinical practice and the operations of large health care providers.
Your background
We are seeking candidates with a PhD or M.Sc. degree in machine learning, deep neural networks, speech separation, signal classification or a related discipline. A dedication to good programming practice and some experience with relevant software tools e.g. Matlab, Python, Tensorflow, Keras is important. Knowledge of audiology and hearing aids is a plus. A strong interest in interdisciplinary and application-oriented work, familiarity with experimental work, as well as good English language skills are required. Apart from initiating cutting-edge research leading to journal publications, the new researcher is expected to be a part of the research group at Eriksholm and Oticon.
Want to join the Eriksholm Research Centre?
If this opportunity appeals to you, then submit your application as soon as possible and no later than August 13, 2017. Interviews will be conducted ultimo August and primo September. Please include the following documents: Letter of motivation; CV including a list of publications, and; 2 -3 references (if possible). Applications are only accepted via our job portal: https://www.oticon.global/about/jobs/open-positions/job-details2?id=1661
If you would like to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Lars Bramsløw, Project Manager in Advanced Algorithms:
Lars Bramsløw
M.Sc.E, Ph.D.
Research Engineer & Project Manager, Competing Voices
Eriksholm Research Centre
Rørtangvej 20
3070 Snekkersten
Direct: +45 4829 8928
Email: labw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Website: www.eriksholm.com
Eriksholm pursues audiological discoveries with the potential to significantly enhance end-user benefits in future hearing care.
We work in close collaboration with academic research institutions, clinicians and end-users, and being part of Oticon ensures that our scientific insights are applied in solutions that empower people with hearing loss.
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