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[AUDITORY] post doctoral position available

Dear All,


I would be grateful if you could help to circulate the attached advert for a post-doctoral position that has opened up to support a collaboration between Newcastle University in the UK and University of Iowa in the US.


The post is for a post-doc to conduct intracranial recording studies from neurosurgery patients at the University of Iowa to study fronto-temporal pathways involved in auditory cognition and multisensory integration for identity.


Thank you in advance.


Best wishes,



Christopher I. Petkov

NIAS Fellow, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Professor of Comparative Neuropsychology

Institute of Neuroscience

Newcastle University Medical School

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, U.K.


Ph: +44-191-208-3467


Attachment: wt_erc_post_doc_advert_6_2017.pdf
Description: wt_erc_post_doc_advert_6_2017.pdf