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[AUDITORY] SMPC submissions: deadline 2/15 [now with a subject line!]

Dear colleagues,

(Apologies for multiple postings if you've received this message already.
In addition to my subjectless email a moment ago.)

We welcome your submission of abstracts to the Society for Music
Perception and Cognition conference, scheduled for July 30-Aug. 3, 2017 at
UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, US. Please read instructions carefully (note
that we're using blind review this year). Make sure to give yourself ample
time to upload, in case you encounter any unanticipated difficulties.
Submissions close on Feb. 15, 2017 at 11:59pm Pacific Time. Please direct
questions to screel@xxxxxxxx.

**Quick link**: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SMPC2017/

**More info** (below and on the conference website):

**Format for individual submissions**
Abstracts for presentations should be no longer than 300 words and should
describe the motivation, methodology, results, and implications to the
degree that this information is available at the time of submission.
Empirical contributions should refer to the stimuli/corpus, methodology,
and data collected. NOTE: abstracts that include analyzed results, as
opposed to promissory speculations about data not yet analyzed, will be
preferred in the review process. Theoretical contributions are also
welcome, provided that the connection to music perception and cognition is
made clear through discussion of aims, methods, and/or results. NOTE: as
we are using a blinded review, do not include any author names in the

**Format for symposium proposals**
We welcome proposals for symposia or panel discussions. A brief
description (no more than 300 words) of the theme, goals, and merits of
the symposium as a whole should be pasted into the plain text box on the
submission website, with the organizer(s) as authors.

Individual abstracts within a symposium (each conforming to the standard
specifications) should be put in a single pdf document and uploaded as
supplementary information. NOTE: as we are using a blinded review, make
sure that no author names are included in this document. These proposals
will be reviewed as a whole package, so if individual contributors wish to
have their talks reviewed individually (for consideration in the general
program in case the Symposium is not accepted), they will need to submit
them individually as well.

The link to submit supplementary information is present on your 'author
console', so return there after submitting the symposium abstract and from
there upload it.

**Review Process**
Each submitted abstract will be peer-reviewed by 2 to 3 of your
colleagues. Please make sure to select subject areas accurately, as that
is how reviewers will be matched. The review process will be double-blind,
so keep in mind that reviewers will only see the title and abstract.

SMPC Organizers
Sarah C. Creel, Conference Chair
John Iversen, Program Chair