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[AUDITORY] ANNOUNCEMENT: Journal of Sonic Studies - New issue now available

We are proud to announce that the 13th issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies (http://sonicstudies.org) is online, entitled “Acoustic Ephemeralities.”  This issue was prepared by guest editors Monika Dommann, Boris Previšić, and Marianne Sommer, and discusses the specifically ephemeral qualities of the acoustic and the relationship between “micro- and macroephemeralities” in the modern age. Three focal points will be explicitly highlighted: the functions of media, music, and the sciences as generators of acoustic paradigms. In addition, this issue contains several musical commentaries, sonic interventions, and Sound-Essays, created by Michel Roth, Hannes Seidl, and Lucas Niggli. 

Journal contents:

  • Acoustic Ephemeralities: Introduction - Monika Dommann, Boris Previšić, and Marianne Sommer
  • Sound-Essay 1 - Peter Weber and Lucas Niggli
  • Phonograph, Symbolic Acoustic Evidence in Arno Holz’ Phantasus - Thomas Forrer
  • Acoustic Micro- and Macroephemeralities in Literature. Robert Walser’s Microscript 364 (1925) and Peter Weber’s Silber und Salbader (1999) - Boris Previšić
  • At the Margins of the Audible: Morton Feldman’s Ephemeral Compositions - Dieter Mersch, translated by Laura Radosh
  • Writing the Ephemeral: John Cage’s Lecture on Nothing as a Landmark in Media History - Simon Aeberhard 
  • Smorzando: Chopin on the MP3 player - Michel Roth
  • Listening to the Body Moving: Auscultation, Sound, and Music in the Early Nineteenth Century - Janina Wellmann
  • Record, Rewind, Rewrite: Acoustic Historiography with the Presidential Tapes - Monika Dommann, translated by Sarah Pybus
  • Experimental Cylinders: Experiments in Music Psychology around 1900 - Julia Kursell
  • Archive, Collection, Museum: On the History of the Archiving of Voices at the Sound Archive of the Humboldt University - Britta Lange, translated by Benjamin Carter
  • Animal Sounds against the Noise of Modernity and War: Julian Huxley (1887–1975) and the Preservation of the Sonic World Heritage - Marianne Sommer
  • Sound-Essay 2 - Boris Previšić, Hannes Seidl, and Lucas Niggli