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2 postdoctoral positions at the University of Pennsylvania

2 postdoctoral positions: Neuronal circuits for dynamic auditory perception.

The Geffen Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA) has two openings for a postdoctoral researcher (one experimental and one theoretical/computational) to study the neuronal circuits for dynamic auditory perception. There are a number of projects available, including: investigating intra-cortical and subcortical circuits supporting auditory adaptation; identifying neuronal circuits for hearing in the presence of noise; unraveling neuronal circuits controlling learning-driven changes in auditory acuity. We use cutting-edge experimental techniques for investigating population neuronal activity, including two-photon imaging of Calcium activity in behaving, head-fixed rodents, large-scale electrophysiological chronic and acute recordings, optogenetic, pharmacological and behavioral techniques. We are a creative, productive and collaborative group. Please see our lab website for more details on ongoing projects in the laboratory and recent publications ( http://www.med.upenn.edu/hearing ).

The ideal candidate will be an energetic, talented, friendly, enthusiastic and creative researcher, who has recently completed (or plans on completing) their PhD and has received training in neuroscience, psychology, chemistry or biology (for the experimental position) or computational neuroscience, physics, mathematics or computer science (for the computational position). Prior experience in systems neuroscience is desired, but a highly successful applicants wishing to switch to neuroscience from other fields will also be considered. Proficiency with Matlab or other scientific computing software is expected.

The campus of the University of Pennsylvania has a wonderful collegiate feel, and the Medical School is located on the main campus, facilitating collaborations across departments. For a sample of events that almost everyone in our lab attends, consider: a weekly lab meeting, a weekly Computational Neuroscience Initiative seminar, a bi-weekly auditory journal club, a weekly interdisciplinary Mind and Brain seminar, and much more. Philadelphia is a vibrant city with a variety of cultural, gastronomical and entertainment attractions.

To apply, please send your CV along with a cover letter briefly summarizing your research interests and include pdfs of your recent publications to Prof. Maria N. Geffen mgeffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .