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Part-time fixed term job opportunity, University of Leeds

Good afternoon,

We are currently advertising (closing date 17th November 2016) for a part-time research fellow to work on the ACE to HEAR project.  I’d be grateful if this could be posted on the auditory list. The emphasis is on clinical rather than research  experience.   The post is as below and the advert can also be found at

Kind regards




ACE to HEAR Research Fellow

Part Time (60% of full time equivalent)
Fixed Term (Available for one year - secondments will be considered)

We are seeking a researcher for one year to work in a major NIHR-funded project. The Active Communication Education to treat HEAR-ing loss (ACE to HEAR) study aims to evaluate a group intervention programme (ACE) designed to improve the communication of hearing impaired adults and their family members. You will be responsible for delivering the ACE programme to groups of new adult NHS hearing aid users and family members and manage a process evaluation to examine how the intervention programme works in practice. You will have significant experience of aural rehabilitation with hearing impaired adults as an audiologist, hearing therapist, speech therapist or equivalent experience related to the project area.


The University of Leeds is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and offers a range of family friendly policies (http://hr.leeds.ac.uk/homepage/4/policies). The University is a charter member of Athena SWAN and holds the Bronze award. The School of Medicine gained the Bronze award in 2013. We are committed to being an inclusive medical school that values all staff, and we are happy to consider job share applications and requests for flexible working arrangements from our employees.


Informal enquiries regarding the post should be directed to Dr Nick Thyer,
telephone +44 (0)113 343 9713 or email n.j.thyer@xxxxxxxxxxx.

If you have any specific enquiries about your online application please contact Sou Sit Chung,
telephone +44 (0)113 343 9177 or email licamm-hr@xxxxxxxxxxx.



Leeds - Main Campus


Faculty of Medicine & Health


Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM)


Division of Epidemiology & Biostatistics




Grade 7


£32,004 to £38,183 per annum

Contract Type:

Fixed Term (Available for a fixed term of one year)

Closing Date:

Thursday 17 November 2016




Candidate Brief


Email details to a friend


Nick Thyer PhD

Associate Professor in Audiology
Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine
Room 8.49, Level 8 Worsley Building
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Tel: +44 (0) 113 34 39713