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Tenure-track Westerdijk Fellow for young female researchers at Utrecht University

(with apologies for cross-posting)

Dear colleagues,

the Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University is offering a Tenure Track position for a female assistant professor ("Tenure-track Westerdijk Fellow”). The Westerdijk fellowship is a very prestigious position for young female researchers offered jointly by the Faculty of Science and the department. Beside the standard employment conditions the Westerdijk fellowship offers the following benefits:

- A (fully financed) PhD position;
- Technical and/or secretarial support;  
- Additional budget of € 50,000 for personal development, facilities and travel.

The department is looking for an outstanding candidate with complementary yet connectable research interests to those of the current departmental research staff.

Short description:
We are searching for female candidates with expertise in the foundations of Computer Science, preferably in the areas of Artificial IntelligenceInteraction TechnologySoftware Systems and Virtual Worlds. We are looking for outstanding candidates who will invigorate and enrich the scope of expertise of our department and can enhance its involvement in interdisciplinary research projects within and outside the university. Current areas of interdisciplinary research include Game Research, Foundations of Complex Systems and Integrative Bioinformatics. The department has close collaborations with the University Medical Center, the departments of Physics and Mathematics, and the Faculties of Humanities and Geosciences.

Qualifications :
Appointees are expected to play an active role in all aspects of academic life. Ideally, your eligibility is exemplified by:

PhD in computer science or another relevant science discipline;
Track record of international publications in leading conferences and journals;
Experience with or perspective on acquisition of external research funds;
Vision on future research directions in own area of expertise;
Experience with or readiness to supervise PhD projects;
Active role in (inter-)national scientific and/or societal communities.
Teaching & Leadership

Enthusiasm for teaching and student supervision;
Ability to teach in departmental BSc and MSc programmes;
Willingness to organize scientific events, such as research seminars;
Willingness to partake in departmental committees.

Application deadline: 30 September 2016
More information and link to application website: https://www.academictransfer.com/employer/UU/vacancy/35436/lang/en/

Please spread the word!

Best wishes,
Anja Volk

Anja Volk, 
VIDI-laureate, Project leader MUSIVA 
Assistant Professor, MA, MSc, PhD

Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University
PO Box 80.089
3508 TB Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tel.:+31 (30) 253 5965
email: a.volk@xxxxx