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Mechanics of Hearing (MoH) workshop - June 2017, Canada

The 13th International Mechanics of Hearing (MoH) workshop will take place during June 19-24, 2017 in Ontario, Canada. This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers from a variety of fields (e.g., physics, physiology, mathematics, molecular biology, engineering, neuroscience, psychophysics) to discuss recent developments in the study of the peripheral auditory system.

o The workshop will be held at Brock University, in southern Ontario, Canada, very close to Niagara Falls. An ideal setting for the meeting, there will be ample opportunity for critical scientific discussion amongst the beautiful backdrop of the Niagara Escarpment. and readily allows for international travel from either Toronto or Buffalo, NY.

o The specific theme of MoH2017 will be "Hearing is more/different than the sum of its parts". As the ear’s remarkable capabilities emerge from many constituent pieces working together, MoH2017 will strive to explore how an understanding of the whole is different from a separate understanding of individual pieces. The underlying intention will be to create bridges between seemingly disparate scientific approaches (e.g., a genetic-mutant animal model <-> a transmission-line cochlear model <- > the perception of complex sounds), such that the discovery of natural connection points is encouraged.

o Consistent with previous meetings, the Workshop will primarily focus on the biomechanics, biophysics, and cellular/molecular physiology of the peripheral auditory system with a good balance between experimental work and modeling.

o Contributions related to the mechanics of non-mammalian auditory and vestibular systems are encouraged, as is research examining the evolution of hearing. Furthermore, researchers studying other senses (e.g., vision, touch) are encouraged to attend in order to make broader biophysical connections. Lastly, MoH2017 will aim to stimulate interest beyond just the periphery (i.e., the brain) as advancements in the knowledge of central auditory processing can help inform and frame studies of the cochlea.

o Students and postdocs are particularly encouraged to attend. Travel awards will be provided on a competitive basis.

o There will be a variety of plenary and contributed talks, as well posters. Abstract submission is now open (https://goo.gl/forms/qXjwzRN4PEmPhsxB3) and closes on Dec.1. Late abstracts (for poster presentation only) will be accepted into spring 2017 (March 15).

o A one-day "pre-meeting workshop" will take place at the Fields Institute in Toronto. The theme will revolve around mathematical techniques used in hearing science and be aimed primarily at students, postdocs, and early-stage faculty (though all are welcome to attend). This event is tentatively scheduled for 6/16/17.

o More information, including a (tentative) schedule can be found at:

o If you wish to be added to future mailings, please visit this link and fill out the requested info (https://goo.gl/forms/UsZB8MD3oexwyEyx1)

Looking forward to receiving your abstract and seeing you next summer! And please forward this email to interested colleagues, students, and postdocs.

For the organizing committee,
Christopher Bergevin (York University)
Sunil Puria (Eaton-Peabody Lab, Harvard Medical School)