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CFP: DCASE 2016 Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder for the Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events DCASE 2016.

The workshop aims to provide a venue for researchers working on computational analysis of sound events and scene analysis to present and discuss their results. We aim to bring together researchers from many different universities and companies with interest in the topic, and provide the opportunity for scientific exchange of ideas and opinions. The technical program will include invited speakers on the topic of computational everyday sound analysis and recognition, and oral and poster presentations. The workshop is organized as a satellite event to the 2016 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), taking place in Budapest, Hungary. The workshop will be  right after EUSIPCO.

We invite submissions on the topics of computational analysis of acoustic scenes and sound events. Topics of interest include:
- Acoustic scene classification
- Sound event detection
- Environmental sound recognition
- Signal processing methods for environmental audio scene analysis
- Machine learning methods for environmental sound analysis
- Computational auditory scene analysis

On the webpage of the workshop you can find detailed information on the paper requirements, paper templates (MSWord and LaTeX) and other details on workshop participation.

Important dates:
20 June 2016    Paper submission
15 July 2016    Notification of acceptance
3 Sept 2016    Workshop (day after EUSIPCO 2016, same venue)

Participation fee: 50 Eur

More details: http://www.cs.tut.fi/sgn/arg/dcase2016/workshop

Annamaria Mesaros