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Accepting candidatures for PhD in France : Navigation aid for the visually impaired using Virtual Reality acoustic simulations for interior navigation preparation

We are currently accepting PhD candidatures for a research project involving
a Navigation aid for the visually impaired using Virtual Reality acoustic
simulations for interior navigation preparation.

Additional information concerning the subject can be found here : 

There is no nationality requirement, but please note that the ability to
communicate in French is required in order to interact sufficiently with all
partners and the blind user panel.


-Brian FG Katz
Brian FG Katz, Ph.D, HDR
Research Director, Resp. Groupe Audio & Acoustique
LIMSI, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay
Rue John von Neumann
Campus Universitaire d'Orsay, Bât 508
91405 Orsay cedex 
Phone. +  33 (0)1 69 85 80 67 - Fax.  +  33 (0)1 69 85 80 88
http://www.limsi.fr   ; web_group: https://www.limsi.fr/fr/recherche/aa    ;
web_theme: http://www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/aa/thmsonesp/