Please forward the following post-doc job information to anyone who may be interested. Apologies for cross-posting. Job details and application form at this link: Research Fellow: Perception of Sounds and Scenes (1526061)
Deadline: 7 January 2016 Additional information below. Many thanks, Bill Davies ---- RESEARCH FELLOW IN PERCEPTION OF SOUNDS AND SCENES School of Computing, Science and Engineering University of Salford Salary: GBP 31,655 to 37,768 Fixed Term, full-time, 36 months Closing Date: 7 January 2016 Interview Date: 26 January 2016 Applications are invited for a Research Fellow to work full-time on an EPSRC-funded project “Making Sense of Sounds” for 36 months starting early 2016. This project will investigate how to make sense from sound data, focussing on how
to convert sound recordings into understandable and actionable information, and specifically how to allow people to search, browse and interact with sounds. You will be responsible for measuring and modelling how people perceive, think of, and search for sounds
and sound scenes, using quantitative and qualitative methods. Your work will lead to new representations of human processing of everyday sound, and will be exploited by machine listening researchers on the project. You will have a PhD in experimental psychology, psychoacoustics, audio perception or a research topic with significant content directly relevant to understanding perception. You are expected to have significant research experience in
designing perceptual studies, preferably for sound and in multidimensional statistical analysis. Research experience in physiological response to sound and programming in Matlab are desirable. The project will be led by Prof Mark Plumbley in the Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at the University of Surrey. You will be based in the Acoustics Research Centre (ARC) at the University of Salford and work under
the direction of Prof Bill Davies and Prof Trevor Cox. The ARC is one of the two large acoustics research groups in the UK. Key areas include human response to sound and vibration, audio signal processing and reproduction, building and architectural acoustics, environmental noise, soundscapes,
outdoor sound propagation, remote acoustic sensing of metrological conditions and transducer design. The Centre has state-of-the-art acoustics laboratories, including an anechoic chamber, two semi-anechoic chambers, a listening room and a spatial audio booth. Informal enquires are welcome, to: Prof Bill Davies (w.davies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) or Prof Trevor Cox (t.j.cox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). Expected start date: As soon as possible Professor Bill Davies Associate Dean Academic | School of Computing, Science and Engineering Room 108, Newton Building, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT t: +44 (0) 161 295 5986 w.davies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | |