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Invitation to participate in a short, online Multimedia study; closes Aug 12

Dear Auditory list,

An Honours student at the University of New South Wales, Thomas Krizanec, is running an online study on responses to multimedia. The study takes about 15 minutes to complete, and will remain open until August 12. People from Australia (apologies to our overseas colleagues) who complete the study by this date will go into a $50 prize draw. Responses will be treated anonymously, in line with our ethics declaration.

You will be asked to watch four film clips and make some ratings and judgements about each. Here is the link


We would be most grateful if you could find the time to participate and/or distribute this invitation.

Kind regards,

     ___         =============================
   /        \      A/Prof Emery Schubert ARC Future Fellow
  # ^ ^ #     Empirical Musicology Group,
(|-O ^ O-|)   School of the Arts and Media
  |    L    |     University of New South Wales
   |  \_/  |     Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA
    \___/       Phone: +61-2-9385-6808
 ___|   |___  Fax: +61-2-9313-7326
/  W\__/P  \  E-mail: E.Schubert@xxxxxxxxxxx
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