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AES69-2015 standard for file exchange - Spatial acoustic data file format

Dear All, 

We are pleased to announce the recent publication of the AES69-2015 standard for file exchange - Spatial acoustic data file format. See also the AES press release at http://www.aes.org/press/?ID=293

The new AES69-2015 standard defines a file format to exchange space-related acoustic data in various forms. These include HRTF, as well as directional room impulse responses (DRIR). The format is designed to be scalable to match the available rendering process and to be sufficiently flexible to include source materials from different databases.

This project was developed in AES Standards Working Group SC-02-08 and standardizes the Spatially-oriented format for acoustics (SOFA), which aims at storing and transmitting any transfer-function data measured with microphone arrays and loudspeaker arrays. See http://www.sofaconventions.org/ for further information and ongoing format discussions.

Open source application-programming interfaces (API) for Matlab, Octave, and C++ are available online at http://sourceforge.net/projects/sofacoustics/

Kind regards, 

Markus and Piotr

Markus Noisternig
Acoustics and Cognition Research Group
IRCAM, CNRS, Sorbonne Universities, UPMC
Paris, France

Piotr Majdak
Psychoacoustics and Experimental Audiology
Acoustics Research Institute
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Vienna, Austria