Please see attached for details on how to make a submission to participate in the Student Think Tank (Doctoral Consortium) at this year's International Conference on Auditory Display on July 7 in Graz, Austria. The Student Think Tank is a full day meeting for students doing Doctoral or Masters projects in auditory display. It will be held on 7th July, one day before the ICAD 2015 conference in Graz, Austria. It will be free of charge for all participants and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. The Think Tank is your chance to set a whole roomful of auditory researchers to work on your particular research issue, to help you choose which method, tool or technique to use to save you from heading down a dead end. Besides providing breakthrough insights into your particular project the Think Tank will foster friendships and networks that are essential in an international community for auditory display. Twelve attendees will be selected from those who make a submission by 3rd April 2015. The attached Call for Participation includes full details on what to submit, how to submit, and what financial assistance is available. If you have any questions about the ThinkTank please feel free to email the Panel Chair at thinktank.icad15@xxxxxx. Regards Paul Vickers -- Paul Vickers BSc PhD CEng MIEE FHEA Reader in Computer Science & Computational Perceptualisation Department of Computer Science & Digital Technologies T: +44 (0)191 243 7614 E: paul.vickers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Room 2.14, Pandon Building Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1XE, United Kingdom Personal Profile: Research: LinkedIn:
ICAD Student Think Tank CFP.pdf
Description: ICAD Student Think Tank CFP.pdf