Dear Colleagues, Please accept our apology if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. We plan to have the 1st innovative session of robot audition at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015) in Hamburg, Germany (September 28 - October 3). This innovative session focuses more on applications of robot audition compared to organized sessions which had been held at IROS 2004-2013. The innovative session on robot audition at least includes the following topics: * Computational sustainability: analysis of and monitoring bird voice, frog chorus, daily sound, and big sound/multi-modal data * Disastrous Environments & Rescue: sound-based rescue robots like UAVs and hose robots, and audio sensor network * Cyberphysical systems: car and mobile phone applications, ICT systems integrated with robot audition * Human Robot Interaction: service robots, entertainment robots, music robots, multimodal interaction systems, dialog systems, robots for ASD children * Auditory Interfaces for the Disabled and Elderly: hearing-aid devices, computational modeling of audition, smart sensors in classroom, monitoring system for the elderly As far as practical applications are considered, related keywords of the above topics are as follows: * sound source localization * sound source tracking * sound source separation * automatic speech recognition * pitch extraction * noise reduction * dereverberation * music recognition * music robot * music interaction with robot * sound classification & identification * dialog control and systems * language acquisition * speech understanding * computational auditory scene analysis * multi-modal integration * system integration * active audition * microphone array processing * sound map generation/sound-based SLAM * sound/speech-based human-robot interaction * software environment for robot audition * sound visualization * embedded hardware system * any other audio related topics We believe that the innovative session stimulates this research area to move onto the next stage in order to contribute to the robotics society more with fruitful discussions. If you are interested in presenting your paper in this innovative session, please send the following information (you can change the information on your paper submission.) by Jan 12, 2015 to (_at_ should be replaced with @). * paper title(s) * author(s) and affiliation(s) After our proposal for this innovative session is accepted, we will send instructions for submission. Then, you can submit your paper to the innovative session paper submission area via Paperplaza by Mar 1, 2015. The review process and schedule will be the same as those of regular papers. For general information on innovative sessions at IROS 2015, please check the link below Sincerely yours, Kazuhiro Nakadai (Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd./Tokyo Institute of Technology) Hiroshi G. Okuno (Waseda University) Gokhan Ince (Istanbul Technical University) Patrick Danes (LAAS-CNRS/Paul Sabatier University) Sylvain Argentieri (Université Pierre and Marie Curie / ISIR, Paris) Eric Martinson (Toyota-InfoTechnology Center USA, Inc.) -- Sylvain Argentieri |