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Re: Moe Bergman's work on interrupted speech

Dear Stuart,

I always cite this paper by him. This is the only one I know of his work on interrupted speech. Maybe it helps?

Bergman M, Blumenfeld VG, Cascardo D, Dash B, Levitt H, Margulies MK.
Age-related decrement in hearing for speech. Sampling and longitudinal studies.
J Gerontol. 1976 Sep;31(5):533-8.


From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception [AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Stuart Rosen [s.rosen@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:34 PM
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Moe Bergman's work on interrupted speech

Some of you will know of Moe Bergman who, among other things, did some interesting work with interrupted speech (described in his 1980 book  'Aging and the perception of speech'). Many years ago, I helped Moe make some more exotic versions of this task with interrupted speech alternating between ears, and sometimes with a competing masker as well. I cannot find any evidence that any of that work was published so I would be grateful if anyone had any other information.


Yours - Stuart

Stuart Rosen, PhD
Professor of Speech and Hearing Science
UCL Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences
2 Wakefield Street
London WC1N 1PF, England

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