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[Workshop - "Current Topics in Loudness"] - Registration

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce you that registration for the workshop "Current topics in loudness" (15 and 16 September 2014, at INSA-Lyon, France) is
now available via the following link :

Best Regards,

The Organization commitee

Workshop: Current Topics in Loudness

September 15th and 16th, 2014, Insa-Lyon, France



The aim of this two-day workshop is to identify new perspectives for research on loudness. It will combine lectures, discussions and debates on various topics related to loudness. The workshop is organized within the framework
of the LoudNat project sponsored by the National Research Agency (ANR).


Lectures: what do we know about loudness?

      Essential Psychoacoustical Elements of Loudness Discovery // Mary Florentine (US)

      Quantification of binaural loudness gain using simple reaction time // Wolfgang Ellermeier and J. Schlittenlacher (Ger)

      On the prediction of binaural loudness for directional, stationary sound sources // Michaël Vannier (Fr)

      Interaction between loudness and auditory scene analysis: A review of the revisited literature // Nicolas Grimault (Fr)

      Can reverse correlation methods be used to determine the spectral weighting of loudness? // Walt Jesteadt (US)

      How do listeners judge the loudness of time-varying sounds? Spectro-temporal weights for loudness // Daniel Oberfeld (Ger) 

      Global loudness of non-stationary sounds: methods and perceptual processes // Emmanuel Ponsot and Patrick Susini (Fr)

      Intensity Dynamics and Loudness Change: Methods and Mechanisms // Kirk Olsen (Aus)

      From artificial to complex stimuli: Challenges for models for time-varying loudness // Jan Rennies, J. Hots and J. L.Verhey (Ger) 


Registration will open soon on the website of the French Acoustical Society // www.sfa.asso.fr
. The registration fee is 50 euros for students and 100 euros for non-students. It includes coffee breaks and lunches for the two days. INSA-Lyon can be easily reached from the railway station or the international airport // More details soon on the website.

Organization committee

Sabine Meunier - Jacques Chatron - Sophie Savel - Guy Rabau // LMA - CNRS (Marseille)

Patrick Susini - Emmanuel Ponsot // STMS Lab - Ircam - CNRS - UPMC (Paris)

Etienne Parizet - Michael Vannier // LVA - INSA (Lyon) 

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