The waveform could be well approximated through
$$ R(\tau) \approx c \left(\frac{\tau - \alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\gamma - 1}
e^{-\frac{\tau - \alpha}{\beta}} \sin(\omega_0 \tau + \phi) $$ (17)
The form of $R(\tau)$ is not in an obvious way related with the type of neuron
characterised by the PSTH on CF tone-bursts (Pfeiffer, 1966). The quality
of $R(\tau)$ seems clearly related with the amount of phase-lock in tone-burst
response and with cell-type (compare Lavine, 1971). $R(\tau)$ forms the average
value of the PRSE. ...
with these refs:
Pfeiffer, R.R. (1966): Classification of response patterns of spike
discharges for units in the cochlear nucleus: tone burst stimulation,
Exp. Brain Res. 1, 220-235.
Lavine, R.A. (1971): Phase-locking in response of single neurons in
cochlear nuclear complex of the cat to low-frequency tonal stimuli,
J. Neurophysiol. 34, 467-483.