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Frequency dependency of sound localization

Dear Jungfeng, Axel, and list:
There is also a 2010 JASA paper on the relative weights of ITDs and ILDs as a function of frequency. That approach could be expanded to incorporate vertical cues.
Heller, L.M., and Richards, V.M. (2010). Binaural interference in lateralization thresholds for interaural time and level differences. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, 310-320.
Best regards,
Laurie Heller
Carnegie Mellon University

Dear Jungfeng, Dear list,

we are currently working on spectral weighting of spatial cues. You might
be interested in some publications I read:

-Stern, M., & Zeiberg, S. (1988). Lateralization of complex binaural
stimuli: A weighted-image model. *Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America*, *1*, 156=E2=80=93165.

which is partly based on Raatgevers doctoral dissertation from 1980.

-Macpherson, E. A., & Middlebrooks, J. C. (2002). Listener weighting of
cues for lateral angle: The duplex theory of sound localization revisited. =
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America*, *111*(5), 2219.

-Le Goff, N., Buchholz, J. M., & Dau, T. (2013). SPECTRAL INTEGRATION OF
Congress on Acoustics*. Montr=C3=A9al. (Poster)

-Buell, T. N., & Hafter, E. R. (1991). Combination of binaural information
across frequency bands. *The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America*,
*90*(4 Pt 1), 1894=E2=80=93900.

Our own current work is still in an early stage and not published yet. If
you need any further information do not hesitate to contact me.

Axel Ahrens
Technical University of Denmark

2014-04-03 11:03 GMT+02:00 Li Junfeng <junfeng@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Dear all,

As all of you may know, human sound localization is a quite complex
procedure and highly dependent on the ITD, ILD, spectral cues and others.
All these cues are encoded in HRTF. Many previous studies have shown that
for horizontal sound localization, ITD play a important role in the low
frequencies and ILD is dominant cue in the high frequencies; for vertical
sound localization, spectral cues in the high frequencies are normally
important. Thess are already known knowledge.

From the previous research results, I beleive that different frequencies
should contribute differently to horizontal and vertical sound
localization. Furthermore, I am now wondering how we can quantify this
difference, that is, is there a quantitative way to describe the differen=
contribution of different frequencies to sound localization. (As you may
know, in speech perception field, the band-importance functions quantify
the contribution of different frequencies to speech intelligibility). I a=
also looking for the frequency/band-imporance functions which describe th=
contribution of different frequencies to human sound localization.

Does anyone know some work on this research to recommend or some ideas to

I would like to appreciate any discussions and references very much.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,