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First announcement: Workshop on "Auditory Attention and Scene Analysis"

Workshop on "Auditory Attention and Scene Analysis" 2014
July 21 - 23 at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK) in
Delmenhorst, Germany

*Information on the Web: http://www.h-w-k.de/index.php?id=2138

*Registration is not open yet, please send me an email if you are
interested in participating

As a successor of the workshops held 10 years ago in 2003 at HWK,
Germany, in 2010 at the UCL Gatsby computational neuroscience unit, UK,
and in 2011 again at HWK, Germany, this workshop further promotes and
facilitates interaction between researchers in speech and audio
processing, psychoacoustics and neurophysiology to stimulate joint
efforts towards a better understanding of acoustic information
processing in challenging conditions characterized by noise and
reverberation. We believe that a breakthrough in the understanding of
human Auditory Scene Analysis (ASA) and Computational Auditory Scene
Analysis (CASA) can only be expected by multidisciplinary collaboration.

To foster the interaction of distinguished international speakers and
young scientists it is planned to combine the workshop with a summer
school. Further information on the summer school including details on
how to apply will follow.

Human behavioral studies on Auditory attention / scene analysis
Neurophysiology of auditory attention / scene analysis using animal models
Human attentional network as revealed by neuroimaging
Computational approaches in auditory scene analysis

Theme 1:
John Middlebrooks
Bernard Laback
Dan Tollin
Daniel Pressnitzer (invited)
Theme 2:
Catherine Carr
Maneesh Sahani
Jennifer Bizley
Theme 3:
Alexandra Bendixen
Andreas Büchner/Mareike Finke
Edmund Lalor
Theme 4:
Steve Colburn (tentative)
Sue Denham
Jörg Lücke
Zhiyao Duan

The workshop is funded by the coordinated research project "The active
auditory system" (SFB/TRR31), the centre for hearing research
Oldenburg/Hanover, IRO University of Oldenburg (planned) and HWK

The registration of €400 (€200 for students) includes workshop
materials, refreshments and all meals. Registration details will follow.

Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann
Department für Medizinische Physik und Akustik
Fakultät VI
Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel. (+49) 441 798 5468
FAX  (+49) 441 798 3902
Email: volker.hohmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://medi.uni-oldenburg.de
Public Key and Key Fingerprint:
C75A 8A8D 9408 28EE FCFD 20CA 1D9F 23CC BAD2 B967