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Second Call for Workshop/Tutorial Proposals - 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2014)

Dear all,

I am forwarding the following Second Call for Workshops/Tutorials for the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2014). 



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Derek Brock <derek.brock@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Second Call for Workshop/Tutorial Proposals - 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2014)
Date: February 10, 2014 8:28:36 PM GMT+01:00

[Apologies for cross-posting. Please distribute]

Dear all,

We would like to announce the following call for proposals:

Second Call for Workshop/Tutorial Proposals for ICAD 2014

The 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2014)
22-25 June 2014
New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. 
New York, NY, USA

Email proposal submissions to icad2014_workshops@xxxxxxxx.

Important Dates:
Workshop proposals due: 21 February 2014
Notification of decision:  21 March 2014

About ICAD Workshops and Tutorial Sessions:
ICAD workshops and tutorials provide in-depth opportunities for conference attendees to discuss and explore important aspects of the field of auditory display with like-minded researchers and practitioners.  Sessions can range from applications and programming methodologies to interdisciplinary research skills, emerging research areas, and challenge problems.  Workshop and tutorials topics include but are not limited to:  

  • Auditory displays in assistive technologies
  • Auditory graphs
  • Interactive and model-based sonification 
  • Auditory data mining
  • Combining speech and sound in user interfaces
  • Recycling auditory displays
  • Sonic interaction with artifacts
  • Sonification tools and techniques
  • Applied use of head-related transfer functions for 3D audio
  • Auditory display organization and design principles
  • Research methods for evaluating auditory displays

Proposal Details:
Proposals should be about one page in length and should include the following:

  • Title, brief abstract, outline of objectives (e.g., tutorial syllabus, organized discussion, presentations, submissions, etc.), relevance for ICAD attendees
  • Proposed duration (full day or half day)
  • Invited speakers (if any)
  • List of organizers, a designated contact person, and contact information for all organizers (address, email, and phone) 
  • Technical requirements and space requirements

Workshop and tutorial proposals should be submitted via email to icad2014_workshops@xxxxxxxx by 21 February 2014.  Proposal acceptance decisions will be notified by 21 March 2014.

Workshop and tutorial organizers will be expected to work with the conference committee, issue calls for participation, gather and review submissions (if appropriate) and decide upon the final program for their session.

ICAD 2014 will take place at New York University's (NYU) Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development.  NYU Steinhardt's facilities are conveniently located in the heart of Manhattan's Greenwich Village and next to the historic Washington Square Park.  

Conference Information:
For more information on ICAD 2014, please visit http://www.icad2014.org/

Workshop/Tutorial Chair:
Derek Brock

Conference Chairs:
Agnieszka Roginska and Tae Hong Park

About ICAD:
First held in 1992, ICAD is an annual international forum for the exchange of research and practices on the use of sound to convey information.  The conference is unique in its primary focus on auditory displays and interdisciplinary issues related to their use. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2014 will be a single-track conference, open to all, with no membership or affiliation requirements.