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Funded PhD positions in Psychology and Music with computational component

PhD Scholarships within Multidisciplinary Research Network 


A Multidisciplinary Research Network related to the 'BioHybrid Human' is initiated at the University of Sheffield to consider the societal, ethical, psychological and biological consequences of increasing levels of interaction between humans and emerging biotechnologies in a wide range of settings from the clinic to the classroom.


PhD Scholarships for UK/EU candidates are available related to 6 interdisciplinary projects, including two projects related to auditory processing and music.  


1. Communicating with the environment through artificial ears: Perception of emotion in speech and music by cochlear implant users (Renee Timmers, r.timmers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Department of Music).


2. Towards an embodied model of multimodal musical learning (Stuart Wilson, s.p.wilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Department of Psychology).


Advert link (closing date 17th January): 


Dr Renee Timmers
Director of MA and DLMAs in Psychology of Music
Director of Music Mind Machine in Sheffield
Editor of Empirical Musicology Review
Associate Editor of Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain

Department of Music, University of Sheffield
34 Leavygreave Road, Sheffield S3 7RD
Tel: 0114-2220477