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PhD or Postdoc in exploring the quantitative laws of musical discourse

Dear list,

The Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM, Barcelona, Spain) offers PhD and Postdoc positions within the Collaborative Mathematics Programme funded by Obra Social La Caixa. Suitable candidates at either level will work in interdisciplinary projects co-supervised by CRM researchers and specialists in the area corresponding to each of the projects.

In the Complex Systems area there is a proposal for a music-related project entitled "The Quantitative Laws of Musical Discourse: Models and Applications". Please see the attachment for further details. For more information regarding conditions of the appointments, application procedure, and other available projects within the same program please visit: http://www.crm.cat/en/ResearchTraining/CollabMathResearch/Pages/Description.aspx

Interested candidates should contact Alvaro Corral (acorral@xxxxxxx) and/or myself (jserra@xxxxxxxxxxxx) as soon as possible and well before January 10, 2014.

Best regards,

Joan Serrà and Alvaro Corral

Joan Serrà
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
Spanish National Research Council

Attachment: crm_proposal_music_statistics.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document