Dear list, The Medical
Acoustics Group at the Institute of Technical Acoustics
RWTH Aachen University,
Germany is seeking to fill the position of a PostDoc (Experienced
Researcher). This full-time position is available for 18 months, starting
in July 2014. The aim of the ER is to develop an
audio-reproduction system for Hearing Impaired using acoustic
virtual reality with binaural technology. The ER should create real-time
acoustic virtual reality scenes for hearing impaired
children. Objectives: - Extension
of the software for virtual acoustics (RAVEN and Virtual
Acoustics-Tool) by the Institute of Technical Acoustics to
make the tool applicable for children/adults with hearing
impairment and cochlear implants. - The work
also includes working on three subprojects (SP1-SP3): - SP1:
Real-time simulation implementation of different complex
acoustic scenes - SP2:
determine binaural input for different types of hearing aids
using Boundary Element Simulations (BEM), dummy heads and on
subjects - SP3:
assist with organization of a winter school at RWTH Aachen
University Tasks and methodology: - Acoustic
Virtual Reality: Real-time simulation of complex acoustic
scenes including room acoustics and head-tracking related to
the acoustic input of the hearing aid - BEM
and/or measurement of HRTFs for the physically correct
representation of a binaural scene The Institute of Technical Acoustics offers an
attractive scientific environment in an international team of
scientists and access to state-of-the-art acoustical equipment
and labs. We are seeking for candidates with a PhD degree in
electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, computer
science or physics, who have excellent grades and a solid
scientific background in acoustic virtual reality, (real-time)
signal processing, audiology, and (room-) acoustics.
Familiarity with scientific tools and programming languages
such as C and MATLAB, as well as excellent verbal and written communication skills
in English, and an interest in multi-disciplinary research
are essential. Research
in any of the mentioned fields and a strong interest in
application-oriented work are prerequisite. To apply, provide (in English, in pdf),
preferably no later than 26 January 2014: 1) a letter of interest (including motivation
relevant to the research topic), 2) your detailed curriculum
vitae (including study curriculum rankings, relevant research
experience and publications), 3) your diploma and transcripts
(including translation if possible), 4) two references and
their full contact information, 5) English language
proficiency test results (if available) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janina Fels Assistant Professor for Medical Acoustics Institute
of Technical Acoustics RWTH
Aachen University Neustr.
50 52056
Aachen Germany or electronically to jfe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Improving Children’s Auditory Rehabilitation
(iCARE) FP7-Marie Curie Initial Training Network The objectives of improving Children’s Auditory REhabilitation
(iCARE) are 1) to provide training to create a new generation
of researchers capable of exploiting the synergies between
different disciplines to optimize spoken communication in
children with hearing impairment, and 2) to combine research
across disciplines to develop novel methods, training skills
and procedures for improving auditory rehabilitation. iCARE is
an international and interdisciplinary consortium from
academia, industry and socio-economic agencies and offers a
choice of 11 PhD and 3
postdoc positions, starting June or July 2014.
Each project is supervised by a multidisciplinary team of
experts and will benefit from extensive training. Please
contact 1 or more partners for project specific educational
prerequisites. In December 2013 a website will be available
with more details and a procedure for applying. Partners and topic KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium): Prof. Dr. Astrid van
Wieringen (astrid.vanwieringen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) · Temporal processing in children with unilateral
HI. KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium): Prof. dr .Wim Van Petegem (wim.vanpetegem@xxxxxxxxxxx) · Factors influencing e-learning. RWTH (Aachen, Germany): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janina Fels (Janina.Fels@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) · Acoustic Virtual Reality for HI and Development
of ‘realistic’ test procedures for children with HI. LiU (Linköping, Sweden:) Prof. dr. Björn Lyxell (bjorn.lyxell@xxxxxx) · Higher-order (auditory-cognitive) remediation. RUN (Nijmegen, the Netherlands): Prof. dr. Ad Snik (A.Snik@xxxxxxxxxxx) · Optimizing auditory scene analysis for the
hearing impaired. UCL (London, UK): dr. Lorna Halliday ( l.halliday@xxxxxxxxx)
· Auditory processing in children with HI. UOM (Thessaloniki, Greece): Prof. dr. Areti
Okalidou (okalidou@xxxxxx) · Speech processing cues in children with HI. GAVLE
(Gävle, Sweden): Prof. dr. Staffan Hygge (Staffan.Hygge@xxxxxx) · Learning in different acoustic scenes. COCHLEAR
UK (Mechelen, Belgium*): dr. Filiep Vanpoucke (fvanpoucke@xxxxxxxxxxxx) · Investigating listening situations by means of
scene classifiers. · Music remediation. NOLDUS (Wageningen, the Netherlands): dr. Nico van der Aa (n.vanderaa@xxxxxxxxx) · Development of a new system to determine quality
of communication. Eligibility: Marie Curie funding is intended to
promote mobility of early career researchers within the
research community. Candidates must: a) have received a degree
(Bachelor or Master's) that qualifies them for PhD training,
b) should not have undertaken more than 4 years of fulltime
research subsequent to that degree, and c) should not have
been resident within the ‘country of interest’ (see individual
projects*) for more than 12 months within the 3 years prior to
1 June 2014. For a full description of the eligibility
conditions see: An excellent 1st degree, good verbal and written
communication skills in English, and an interest in
multi-disciplinary research are essential. At this stage applicants
can express their interest and/or ask for additional
information by contacting the individual partner(s). Mobility
expenses are provided in addition to a salary. Applicants should send a
completed application form (available at the iCARE- website in
December 2013) along with a covering letter detailing their
suitability for the fellowship, C.V. and 2 academic
references. *note that Cochlear UK is based in Mechelen,
Belgium. Persons from the UK are therefore not eligible. |
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