Dear colleague,
Please find below some information about research positions (at the post-doc and lecturer/senior lecturer level) in the Music Cognition and Action area at the MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney, Australia. While these positions are all fixed term, MARCS quite often creates continuing positions at all levels, and productive people in positions such as these are well placed to seek such ongoing opportunities, here and elsewhere. The post-doctoral fellowship is devoted to research, though holders may contribute modestly to teaching so as to develop their cv if they wish, while the teaching obligations of the other positions are very moderate. All incumbents will have the possibility of participating in research supervision together with their MARCS mentor.
If you know someone who may be interested in such a position, it would be great if you could forward this message to them.
Best wishes, Kate, Peter, Roger
(Kate Stevens, Peter Keller, Roger Dean). -----------------------------------------
Looking for an opportunity to advance your research career?
We are seeking eager and progressive scholars to join our team of world renowned researchers at the MARCS Institute. The following positions are currently available within
our Music Cognition and Action Program:
· Ref 276/13 Research Lectureship in Music Perception and Cognition (2 Positions)
· Ref 275/13 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Music Cognition and Computation
· Ref 277/13 Senior Research Lectureship/Research Lectureship in Cognitive
Science and Music
Successful applicants are expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation.
The MARCS Institute is an internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney. Research at MARCS is conducted in five interdisciplinary
research programs: Speech & Language, Music Cognition & Action, Bioelectronics & Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing, and Human Machine Interaction. For further information please refer to:
More information about each of these positions and details on how to apply can be found below and at:
You will find them in the list by scrolling through the closing dates until you reach May 19th 2013.
Closing Date: 19 May 2013
Ref 276/13 Research Lectureship in Music Perception and Cognition (2 Positions), MARCS Institute
Are you an early career researcher with a desire to further expand your research capabilities? The Music Cognition and Action Program in the MARCS Institute would be complemented and strengthened by welcoming researchers with high level skills and expertise in the area of experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science, or interfaces of computational and cognitive musicology. We are seeking two such eager and progressive scholars to take on these Research Lectureships. The successful applicants are expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation, and an excellent research background in cognitive and motor processes as well as brain mechanisms, that underpin interpersonal coordination in musical contexts using a combination of behavioural methods, computational modelling, and neurophysiological techniques. The MARCS Institute is an internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney. Research at MARCS is conducted in five interdisciplinary research programs: Speech & Language, Music Cognition & Action, Bioelectronics & Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing, and Human Machine Interaction. For further information please refer to: Both positions are full time, fixed term appointments for a period of 3 years based on our Bankstown campus.
Remuneration Package: Academic Level B $101,761 to $120,078 p.a. (comprising Salary $85,989 to $101,538 p.a., 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading)
Position Enquiries: Professor Kate Stevens, 02 9722 6324, or email kj.stevens@xxxxxxxxxx
Closing Date: 19 May 2013
Ref 275/13 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Music Cognition and Computation, MARCS Institute
Looking for an opportunity to advance your research career? The Music Cognition and Action Program in the MARCS Institute is looking for an industrious early career researcher who will collaborate with Professor Roger Dean within the following broad areas; intensity, timbre and rhythm perception; cognition of affect in music; and computational modelling of music perception. This position will enable an early career researcher to concentrate on the development of their research potential.
We seek an enthusiastic, forward thinking, and innovative scholar with the potential to win competitive research income and an excellent publication record. The successful applicant is expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation and an excellent research background in the area of experimental cognitive psychology, or computational cognitive modelling, with relevance to music. The MARCS Institute is an internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney. Research at MARCS is conducted in five interdisciplinary research programs: Speech & Language, Music Cognition & Action, Bioelectronics & Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing, and Human Machine Interaction. For further information please refer to: This is a full time, fixed term appointment for a period of 3 years based on our Bankstown campus.
Remuneration Package: Academic Level B $101,761 to $120,078 p.a. (comprising Salary $85,989 to $101,538 p.a., 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading)
Position Enquiries: Professor Roger Dean, 02 9722 6902, or email roger.dean@xxxxxxxxxx
Position Description:
Closing Date: 19 May 2013
Ref 277/13 Senior Research Lecturership/Research Lecturership in Cognitive Science and Music, MARCS Institute
Are you a proactive researcher looking for an opportunity to join a world renowned research institute? The Music Cognition and Action Program in the MARCS Institute is looking for a motivated researcher with high level skills and expertise in not only behavioural but also computational and cognitive neuroscientific methods. The Senior Research Lecturer/Research Lecturer will work closely with Associate Professor Peter Keller who joined MARCS recently from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig. We seek a forward thinking, self-motivated academic to be appointed to this Research Lectureship. The successful applicant is expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation, and an excellent research background in the area of perception and production of rhythm; development and modelling of ensemble skills; perception of intensity and loudness and their relation to affect; improvisation; or learning and performing complex action sequences using behavioural methods, computational modelling, and/or neurophysiological techniques. The MARCS Institute is an internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney. Research at MARCS is conducted in five interdisciplinary research programs: Speech & Language, Music Cognition & Action, Bioelectronics & Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing, and Human Machine Interaction. For further information please refer to: This position is a full time, fixed term appointment for a period of 3 years based on our Bankstown campus. The University reserves the right to appoint at either Academic Level B or Academic Level C depending upon the skills, qualifications and experience of the successful applicant.
Remuneration Package: Academic Level B $101,761 to $120,078 p.a. (comprising Salary $85,989 to $101,538 p.a., 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading) or Academic Level C $123,713 to $141,913 p.a. (comprising Salary $104,645 to $120,200 p.a., 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading)
Position Enquiries: Associate Professor Peter Keller, 02 9722 6722, or email p.keller@xxxxxxxxxx
Position Description:
Closing Date: 19 May 2013 --------------
Peter Keller
The MARCS Institute
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith NSW 2751
Phone: +61 2 9772 6722
Fax: +61 2 9772 6040