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Conference: The Lure of the New
Call for abstracts:
The annual conference of the Cognition Institute, Plymouth University, will
be held March 20-22, 2013. The conference will be structured around seven
themed oral symposia and poster sessions. In addition evening events include
a reception and CogTalk debate to mark the official launch of the Cognition
Institute, and a SciScreen film event.
The Keynote addresses will be given by the Head of Programs at the INCF,
Linda Lanyon: Toward globally collaborative science: the International
Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility and Prof Guy Orban: Finding a home
for the mirror neurons in human premotor cortex.
? Sounds for Communication
? Embodied Cognition and Mental Simulation
? Developments in infant speech perception
? Engineering Creativity - can the arts help scientific research more
? Computational Modelling of Brain Processes
? Current trends in deception research
? Imagery, Dance and Creativity
The programme can be found here:
Registration is now open and details of how to apply as well as how to
submit an abstract proposal can be found here:
For all conference enquiries please contact Martin Coath at:
Apologies for any cross-posting!
All the best
Lucy Davies