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SV: String sounds

Hi Christian,
There are some reasonable quality instrumental recordings that you might consider here: www.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/violindex.html.  
The resolution and rate of most samples are generally fine.  I have used some of the clarinet samples from a related page, transposed them in goldwav (so all transpositions were isochronous) and then run them through various matlab scripts.  
All the best

David Morris				
PhD student/Ph.d.-stipendiat
INSS-Speech pathology and Audiology/Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab-Audiologopædi
University of Copenhagen/Københavns Universitet Amager
Njalsgade 120
2300 Copenhagen/København S

Date:    Mon, 12 Nov 2012 21:02:11 +0100
From:    Christian Kaernbach <auditorylist@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: String sounds


For a consonance / dissonance study I plan to use string sounds from 
which I could build up chords. I want to do the programming in Matlab. I 
want to use string sounds (instead of piano) because they allow for 
longer durations, and because they feature a nice and undistorted 
spectrum of overtones (piano overtones are rather distorted). I need to 
find a free database of violin etc. sounds of several seconds for all 
pitches (best would be: all semitones). I would do the interpolating in 
order to get intermediate pitches in Matlab. If sounds are longer than 
needed I would fade them out as I need it.

Is there any freely available database of string sounds?

Thanks for your help,
Christian Kaernbach
Kiel University
