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announcement of research positions in the DREAMS project - previously announced today

Dear Members of the list

It has been brought to my attention the some members of the list cannot open the attachment included in my previous posting. Please find the attachment copied below. I am sorry for the trouble this might have caused the members of the list. 

Best regards
Søren Bech
Bang & Olufsen and 
Aalborg University

Open Research Positions

FP7-PEOPLE Marie Curie Initial Training Network Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech


The DREAMS Initial Training Network will investigate the problem of modeling, controlling, removing, and synthesizing acoustic reverberation with the 

aim of enhancing the quality and intelligibility of audio, music, and speech signals. The ITN will host 12 Early Stage Researchers and 4 Experienced Researchers, 

each performing an individual research project around one of four themes that reflect the most challenging open problems in the area of (de-)reverberation. 

The research training will be organized and supervised by an international consortium of 12 leading institutions from academia and industry.

The DREAMS ITN is currently recruiting:

12 Early Stage Researchers (starting 01/04/2013 01/10/2013)

Type of Contract: Temporary (36 months)
Required Degree: Master Degree in Engineering (or equivalent)
Required Languages: English (Excellent)
Eligibility: < 4 yrs after obtaining Master Degree, < 1 yr living/working in host country for past 3 yrs

4 Experienced Researchers (starting 01/10/2013 01/04/2015)

Type of Contract: Temporary (16 months)
Required Degree: PhD Degree in Engineering (or equivalent 4-year research experience)
Required Languages: English (Excellent)
Eligibility: < 5 yrs after obtaining Master Degree, < 1 yr living/working in host country for past 3 yrs

DREAMS Institutions: KU Leuven (BE), Aalborg University (DK), Imperial College London (UK), University of Oldenburg (DE), NXP Software (BE), Oticon (DK), Bang & Olufsen (DK), Nuance/Spinvox (UK), Fraunhofer IDMT (DE), Nuance Communications Germany (DE), Televic Group (BE), CEDAR Audio (UK)

Research Disciplines: signal processing, room acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech and audio processing 

For more info, please visit www.dreams-itn.eu or contact the Scientific Coordinators:

Dr. Toon van Waterschoot, Prof. Marc Moonen
KU Leuven, Dept. Electrical Engineering, ESAT-SCD
Leuven, Belgium
Phone: +32-16-321788, +32-16-321060
toon.vanwaterschoot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, marc.moonen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The DREAMS ITN adheres to The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers